Thursday, February 9, 2012

Computer Mediated HeadBump!

Testing, testing, one-two-THREE!! So this is the first post on my thoughts about the CMC course, that is, Computer Mediated Communication, run by Craig Blewett and Rose Quiling at the University of Kwa Zulu Natal. It's a postgraduate course, hence my thoughts will probably tend to be more explanatory of how hard it is changing my mindset from 3rd year to 4th year. Eish, migraine

Anyway, today the course was launched, and it should be exciting times ahead. Im desperately looking forward to the panel discussion that will be part of our assessment. I've always wanted to be on Larry King! Uhh what else.. ah yes, the name of the blog.. Ethnography is a cool word I learned in the lecture today, that basically means "researching about a certain environment by getting into that environment", or something of the sort. 'The DBA' is an old monkey I cant get off my back, and so,  I'll use it to my advantage.

Hence, welcome, dear reader, to Ethnography - The DBA!

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